Friday, October 31, 2008

penny pinchers unite

Well from the looks of it, appearance (and health, I hope) seem to be the priority for the majority of folks. A strong 64% said that you would rather date someone who could potentially never surprise you with a romantic weekend getaway, live in a cold, dark house because it saves a whopping $20 a month, have you cutting coupons for toilet paper or even worse ask you to go dutch at your very own bday dinner IN FRONT of family & friends; than be with someone who is noticeably overweight. True. If you can't get past jiggly man-breasts and moist backfat, then you just can't.

How-some-ever, once again I'm rolling with the minority on this one. Like the 36%, I cannot stand cheap people. Worse if it's a man that I'm romantically involved with. My motto is: life is for the living. There's a big difference between frugal and cheap. We ain't gotta ball outta control every single day but good grief you can't take it with. All that saving every last penny... no sir, mama needs pretty things to keep a happy house. Even if I have to go grocery shopping once a week and replace the mattress every three years because he's breaking the springs... I'll be damned if I we go out as a couple with a single girlfriend and homeboy doesn't inherently understand that he's expected to pick up the tab for her and I. As my girl Takara so eloquently explained, "one good bout of the flu or food poisoning... and you've got the skinny boy of your dreams." Ha! I know, we ain't about nothing...


  1. Why are you so stupid Mitzi!! You know good and well you will not be seen in public with a man with "jiggly man-breasts". You didn't even like our boy with "man-hips". Don't act like you don't know who I am talking about!!! hehe

  2. Can I add to that the reminder about the ongoing commentary re. a certain ex, with "man breasts and a man purse". And he was far from fat. LOL. Amen Nikki.

  3. Alls I'm saying is I don't want the man of my dreams to die of a heart attack at 35. And if being cheap means you have something to show for it in your bank account down the line I'm in. A tough trade as always but disrespecting your body and your health is scarier.

  4. I guess I'm vain because I refuse to pull thighs aside to get to the goods or be smothered at night.
