Friday, January 29, 2010

better than standing on a corner...

The recession is a bitch. But I gotta say, it does bring out the creativity in folks. Check out this video short that a friend of my girl Reena made about her life as a recent grad called- 'Hire Me.' It is SOSOSOSO freakin' cute.


Oh and by the way, she's headed to NYC for a part-time fellowship at a film company in mid-February and REALLY needs a job. So if you can help, please do.


  1. ...that shot when she has her hand down her shorts while crying and eating peanut butter with her mutt on the side...FUCKING HILARIOUS!

  2. Mitzi, I LOVE that, Hilarious. I hope job offers coming pouring in for her.

  3. That is pretty damn good. Someone should get her a job. Or a spot in a movie. She's hilarious!!! Where did you find this again?? Well done.

  4. That was so cute and I wish her the best of luck. Heck, I've been out of college five years and still need a video like that. Is no one hiring real talent anymore? Geesh!
