Quick question: What in the lost-90s-singers & rappers-vortex happened to Case and his plethora of head wear? Like forget Ne-Yo's receeding hairline, that man right there was the original hide-ya-head R&B singer. That bad boy could seriously go from baseball cap to ski skully to straight up pantyhose all in one video, like what? Say something.
But all fun and foreheads aside, I thought he was trying to stage a comeback.What had happened? Trey Songz got him shook or something?
Cause forreal, 'Broken Glass' and 'Not Your Friend' were the straight joints back in the day! And God only knows how many folks used that damn 'Happily Ever After' as their wedding song. Yeah man, for a hot minute Case was the 'ish.
Speaking of Happily Ever After, I didn't realize Beyonce was the lead female in the video until just now. Mmm-hmmm, front and center with that big 'ole crazy 90s freeze curls piled up on her head. Looking like a fake Cleopatra in the empty museum.
Too funny.
OMG, Mitzi! Loved, loved, loved Case back in the day. A couple of those songs were the soundtrack to some of my more interesting post-college years. :) - TMLG